The show must go on at Puhinui


      Madison Crowe and Waitangi Pinterest lead the CCI3* at Puhinui


An Eventful Life is filming all competitors on cross country at the

Puhinui International Horse Trials - find out more here


The Honda Dream Arena today turned into a bit of a Nightmare Arena for the organisers and riders at the Puhunui International Horse Trials but, in typical Kiwi fashion, a neat solution was found and you can always be assured that, if a dressage arena surrounds needs to be moved, the team at Puhinui can do it in ultra-quick time!

The Honda Dream Arena is a natural amphitheatre so obviously the water gravitates towards it (no doubt why the water complex was placed there in the first instance) so, although it makes a perfect viewing spot and central hub for the event, it also was the boggiest spot on Puhinui Reserve today after the recent storms.

The decision to move the 1* arena had been moved on Friday, leaving the 2* and 3* dressage only to take place there today but, by the time the 2* competitors had finished, the Ground Jury decided to also re-locate the venue for the 3* dressage out of the main arena



      Matthew Grayling and NRM Trudeau


It was quite a long way away, literally out on the cross country course, where the dressage for the other classes was already taking place but the going was very good and everyone decamped for an hour to watch the Honda NZ CCI3* dressage class. Now taking place in a wide open space, it certainly was a different type of arena atmosphere for the horses (Donna Smith’s DSE Cluny had his eyes out on stalks walking down to the arena) and some of them may have thought it was time for cross country

The open space was Matthew Grayling’s main concern about the change of venue for his lovely grey NRM Trudeau who currently sits in second place of the CCI3* on a score of 31.7


ael-microphoneMatthew Grayling


While Matthew is a very experienced competitor at this level, the leader after dressage is a CCI3* ‘newbie’, Madison Crowe riding Waitangi Pinterest, a 10-year-old brown mare bred by Joss Bayly and one of the many Waitangi horses that are doing well in eventing  

All three judges, Nikki Herbert (GBR), Bill Phiskie (NZL) and Jenny Draper (NZL), had the young rider in first place on a final score of 29.9 and, although she was a little disappointed with some rider errors, she was thrilled to be in the lead at her first ever CCI3*




      Emily Cammock and Shaw Lee


Emily Cammock is in third place riding Shaw Lee, who recently had a trip to Adelaide to compete in the CCI4*, on a score of 32 and also leads the CCI1* on board Antara, a nine year old NZ warmblood that has proved a little naughty in the past but seems to have found his calling in eventing


ael-microphoneEmily Cammock



      Sam Felton and Ricker Ridge Riley


Sam Felton is in fourth place in the CIC3* on board Ricker Ridge Rui but also tops the Auckland Council CCI2* in both first and second place places riding Ricker Ridge Riley (29.5) and Ricker Ridge Sooty GNZ (30.8)

Visiting British judge Nikki Herbert heads up the Ground Jury for the CCI2* as well as the 3* and I asked her if the boggy arena conditions in the 2* made judging more difficult as well as riding more difficult!

“Actually no, in a strange way it almost makes it easier!” said Nikki “The horses that are well trained with good self-carriage find it easier to cope with these conditions and because of that, their riders usually have more confidence so they continue to ride them forward despite the ground condition"

"Keeping the horse moving forward and light on the ground helps them handle the deep going but only horses that have correct balance can do that. In these situations, it’s much harder for a rider to cover up a horse’s weaknesses so it makes it easier for the judges to spot”


Monica Oakley and Man of Honour, the final combination in the 2*, perform well in the difficult conditions for fifth place


The 3* dressage was moved partly to ensure better going for the horses but also to try and help preserve the ground in the Honda Dream Arena for the next two days. At the Rider Briefing this evening, a few small changes were made to the cross country but the main concern is for the footing in the arena where the water complex is based on cross country day and the show jumping normally takes place for all classes on Sunday.

The plan now is to hold just the 2* and 3* show jumping in the main arena on Sunday and move all other show jumping to where the 3* dressage was held today