Makayla Wood shows off her new FOX beanie

I can safely say that the main thing that has really been on my mind of recent days has been the Olympics! Each advert that pops up on the TV or link on the internet to a blog relating to the games only raises the excitement. I can’t wait to sit up all night and watch every equestrian related event. Go our Aussies, bring home the gold!

Olympics aside and following on from my last blog, my ‘stud hole’ has seemed to heal up relatively nicely. It did get a bit infected at some stage and when the stitches came out I had to take another step back as the wound ‘popped’ open due to the infection. However four weeks down the track I have been back in the saddle for about a week and a half and it seems to be ok. Just a nice scar to show my grandkids …or so mum and dad keep telling me. They seem to think I’m joking when I say the only grandkids I’ll be having will be four legged variety!

I have also made a few trips to the dentist to get my chipped tooth fixed so now I’m content that I don’t look too much like a vampire, as the chip made my front left tooth a bit pointy. Now I’m not much of a fan of the dentist at all and never have been, I distinctly remember mum telling me one story from when I was about six and trying to hold me down in the chair to stop me from kicking/spitting/violently hitting the poor dentist. The thought of that makes me laugh! Although I’m honest in saying that these days I am a bit more pleasant in the chair. None-the-less it still terrifies me and I just shut my eyes and think of happy thoughts whilst said dentist is digging/drilling/filing around my mouth. Now you can imagine my horror when I was told at my last appointment that it looks like my wisdom teeth have started coming through and they’re going to have to be removed. My dentist tells me “Head home and look at your calendar and then ring up to make an appointment, we can remove the first two in the chair”. Needless to say, I have not rung yet!


    Coaching at the Trakehners Australia XC Clinic at Brookleigh
Anyway it was nice to have a bit of a break for a few weeks and knuckle down on my clients and teaching. On the 30th of June I spent a day at our lovely equestrian facility here in WA – the prestigious Brookleigh. This was spent coaching a Cross-Country clinic through the Trakehners Australia association and it was a super day, we were blessed with great weather and a fantastic group of willing students. I have also been busy with my regulars who are going better than ever, it really makes coaching rewarding seeing my students riding and the horses improving. I can see myself in the future turning my teaching into a full time ‘career’ because I really enjoy it. However, for now I am still content with my part-time work in the office at Fox United Building doing administration type work and paying accounts. It’s a great atmosphere there and we often have entertaining times, for example this week we ordered in new FOX beanies (see below) which have already been handy with nights at home getting down to just 1 degree!


On the horse side of things, Trump has just finished a very well deserved break and will be making an appearance in about a month at the Wooroloo CIC 3*.  Daisy has been back in work and recently made an outing to the Swan River SJ event. She competed in the Maiden-D class and in her first D grade for a clear round and a 1 rail round. She had been in season in the lead up to the weekend and was interesting to say the least! Mares! Although results wise jumped well. As ever there is lots to work on and these show-jumping days help to highlight the ‘faults’ that we currently have and give me a clear direction to head in to make things better. Another horsey-related topic is that we have recently picked up a TB broodmare to use for the season coming up! She is a lovely type, about 16.1 and a big strong girl with a beautiful neck, and with lines tracing back to the great Star Kingdom we are really excited to see what she can produce for us. Picking the stallion is the hard part!


    Trump having an Equissage and Daisy after a work out in our wash bays at home

Coming up we’ve got Gidgegannup CNC on the 28th/29th July where I have Daisy entered in the 1*. It’s should be a pretty good weekend with just the one horse to ride. Training wise, next month I’m excited to see Wayne Roycroft for a squad clinic, as well as Jamie Coman for some show-jumping. By then Trumpet will be back into ‘full’ work and in attendance at these things! Fingers crossed in my next blog I’ll be updating about how well things have been going and how I’m injury free!

Til then…