A busy day

Murray Lamperd Under the Clocks

      Ninja enjoying supper after trot up thanks to his Mitavite feed that arrived today

I have to say the English have done anything they can to help us from even before we left home. There is something that they relate to when you have a horse going to Badminton. From the airport lorry driver whose kids I might meet, to those surrounding Warren and Susie's life as well as the Badminton organisers etc. 

 This morning we had another dressage session. We have to walk past loud speakers and tents and so much action for about a kilometre before we even get to the practice area. This had Ninja pretty adrenalised before starting to ride. He needs to work through the adrenaline and fortunately we chose approaches to his work that allowed him to settle much more by the afternoon session. We still have plenty to work on but at this stage I can see it might just work out. So much of these performances are about decisions made prior to arriving in the arena.

I walked the cross country today. The second half is more demanding. Half way around I was feeling very good, but then the questions started really mounting up, especially if you have a tired horse. We will walk that another three times at least and then we will see what I think.

Dressage is on Saturday after 11 our time. Will get out again in the morning.

Until tomorrow,
