Murray's Waregem wrap up

Eventing Waregem

The mansion at Waregem with a market the like I have never seen before

It was 6 hours travelling to Waregem in Belgium and the same back through three different countries all with their respective languages or two.I was navigating off the maps which aren't working while driving with trucks doing 80 to 90 kmh and some cars coming past at over 200 (guessing on the 200). I only missed two turns which changed my route a lot but the horse and I got there.

Ninja is feeling great and realised this is a race track immediately. He only had about half a dozen full on adrenalin attacks thanks to trotters in sulkies and other riders trotting or cantering up behind us from the grandstands. He gets over these quicker these days.

Murray Lamperd Under the Clocks

Dressage was coming together well but in my warm up whenever I walked, the flies would land on him and he tries to shiver and then kick them off (a lot of the flies around here bite and he knows it now). I had emptied a can of repellent on him but in the test, we got to the end of the walk and they caught up with him. It just put us out of the higher finishers with some tense work that wasn't there before. To the middle of the field for us!

Murray Lamperd Under the Clocks

The show jumping was on the racetrack turf in front of the grand stand. Ninja jumped very well and clear after knocking the first. He was composed and it felt a lot more developed and mature for both of us. Just over a second over for two time faults but I admit that I decided getting the time was not my first priority. We finished the cross country with the 4th fastest time and he was bright as a button afterwards.

cross country Waregem

      This fence caused a lot of trouble

I have to say that the New Zealanders and the Brits were very helpful and supportive of a lone Aussie without a groom. It certainly makes things easier when you don't speak the language, to clarify with others about what is going on, or even just be able to follow someone to the cross country venue because I had no idea.

Note from Deb: Good new for Team Lamperd that Dani Marwood is heading over to Pau to groom for Murray as the wonderful Liz can't make it. Dani is hoping the Kiwis and Brits will continue to be as supportive once she gets over there too!

Action photos courtesy of Mathias Wentein