Shane Rose returns to Adelaide

      Shane Rose and CP Qualified will be back in Adelaide for the only CCI4* in the southern hemisphere


Olympic silver medallist Shane Rose is a past winner of the CCI4* in Adelaide but it has been a while since he took the top spot at Australia’s biggest event. In 2004 he won the event on Beauford Miss Dior, after they had finished as runners-up in 2002 but since then the CCI4* has eluded him despite being in the top 10 and winning the CCI2* class several times.

Shane didn’t compete at the 2014 Australian International 3 Day Event in 2014 but he is looking forward to being back this year with CP Qualified and Virgil, the CCI2* winner in 2011.

“It’s a really tough track, there’s nowhere like it in the world” he tells us “It’s the only event in this country with a similar atmosphere to Europe”

(Apologies for the wind noise at the beginning of the interview)


Shane Rose