Dietary Requirements for the High Performance Horse

Blair Richardson

      Eventer Blair Richardson

High performance diets have historically been based on a cereal grain ration fed with roughage.  The high level of sugar and starches in the grains provide energy for the horse to perform, but it can come with complications.  Raw, cracked and rolled grains are poorly digested and can lead to acidosis, laminitis or colic by overloading the digestive tract.  Although more modern processing methods such as steam extrusion improve the digestion of grains, owners and trainers are finding not all horses need a high cereal grain diet to obtain the energy they need to compete at elite levels. 

Well digested, low starch, low sugar, high oil, nutrient dense and gluten and grain free concentrates are becoming more popular to provide horses with the correct level of energy, protein, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes without the complications of a cereal grain based ration.  This type of ration can have the following benefits:

Improved Behaviour – By keeping sugar and starch levels to a minimum, horses that are easily excited or hard to manage may be kept calmer.  The production of dopamine has been linked with high levels of brain glucose (the units which sugar and starch are made from) which can increase awareness and excitability. 

Poorly digested sugar and starch in the small intestine can pass through to the hindgut and produce heat, acid and gas that may contribute to agitation and excitability in some horses. 

By feeding a grain and gluten free nutrient balancer such as Mitavite Munga with a steam-extruded, rice based energy supplement such as Vitamite Power On fluctuations in sugar and starch may be lowered and oil can be used as an alternative energy source, which may minimise unpredictable behaviour in some horses.  Lowered resting heart rates and lactate accumulation and manageability and control may be improved when rice based feeds are fed.

Reduce the Effects of Metabolic Disorders – Poorly digested and high levels of sugar and starch can exacerbate some metabolic disorders.  Cushings Syndrome, Equine Metabolic Syndrome, Recurrent Equine Rhabdomyolysis and Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy are becoming more common in modern breeds of horses.  These horses, including horses that suffer from tying up and laminitis may benefit from a lower starch and sugar ration.    

Horse DigestionMinimise Digestive Disorders – Lactic acid, heat and gas are produced in the hind gut when sugars and starches pass through the small intestine undigested.  This can affect the delicate pH and balance of microbes in the hindgut, that may lead to disorders such as hindgut acidosis, colic and diarrhoea. Studies by Utrecht University in the Netherlands and the Free university of Amsterdam on horses that suffer from ISBD (Inflammatory Small Bowel Disease) believe there is a link between gluten sensitivity and the disease.


Provide an Alternative Energy Source

High oil feeds offer an alternative form of energy to a cereal grain based ration.  Oils are digested in the small intestine, taking the load off the hind gut, to provide a slow release, cool energy source, providing an alternative to feeding gluten, sugar and starch.  Using oil as an energy source can provide a sparing effect on glucose levels. 


Horse feedHorse feed



Provide a Balanced, Flexible Ration

To obtain the full benefits of a low starch, gluten free diet and meet the needs of a hard working high performance horse we suggest feeding a combination of Munga and Power On with roughage.  Munga is an economical, palatable, concentrated, low starch, gluten free, grain free muesli that provides optimum levels of high quality, easily digested protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.  Power On is an excellent energy supplement to compliment the Munga ration by providing high oil, gluten free energy to fuel the high performance horse.  The amount of Power On fed can be adjusted depending on the makeup and workload of the horse.


 The graphical analysis below shows the nutritional breakdown of a Munga and Power On ration fed with roughage.

Horse Feed Daily Ration

Cereal grains certainly have a place in some rations, although feeding a ration that provides energy in a cool, well digested form that is low in sugar and starch, is gluten free and balanced for protein, vitamins and minerals can be a favourable alternative for high performance sport horses.  For more information on feeding your horse, contact Mitavite on 1800-025-487.

Article by Gail Sramek BApplSc Agr– Consulting Nutritionist to Mitavite



J.H. van der Kolka, L.A. van Puttena, C.J. Mulderb, G.C.M. Grinwisc, M. Reijmd, C.M. Butlere and B.M.E. von Blombergd.   Gluten-dependent antibodies in horses with inflammatory small bowel disease (ISBD).  Veterinary Quarterly 2012, 1–9

J.D.Pagan, C.G. Brown-Douglas and P.J Huntington.  Carbohydrates are well tolerated by most horses.  Proc. Australasian Equine Sc.Symp., Vol 4 2012

