Does your saddle fit?

Before the new season starts is a great time to check all your riding gear to make sure that everything is in the best possible condition.

And one of the most important questions for both your horse’s comfort and your safety is - does your saddle fit?

Arena Saddles have shared with us three practical tips to help you assess your saddle’s current fit;

1.    Check that your saddle’s channel clears the wither and spine through the length of the saddle, including when the rider's weight is in the saddle.
2.    Your saddle should bear weight evenly on your horse’s back, providing a close, comfortable fit. Carefully place your hand between your horse and the panel of your saddle to check for even bearing through the length of the panel.
3.    Your saddle’s balance ensures that you effortlessly maintain your correct position - check that the deepest part of the saddle seat is central and level to ensure perfect saddle balance.

Read more about ensuring that your saddle is ready for the coming season with more helpful tips from Arena Saddles here