Emily King leads at Les Etoiles de Pau


       Emily King and Dargun at Osberton


The first results are in from Les Etoiles de Pau where Emily King currently leads the CIC2*.

Emily and her seven year old chestnut gelding Dargun, the horse on which she finished second in the British Eventing Young Horse Championships CIC2* at Osberton, lead after the first session of dressage on Wednesday with a score of 40.

Emily is also making her CCI4* debut here at Pau riding the ex-Australian horse Brookleigh. The CCI4* starts with the first horse inspection today and features a host of the top riders but sadly not William Fox-Pitt, who is still in hospital in Angers after his fall on the weekend.

Despite still nursing a sore leg, Michael Jung is here with two horses – the mare fischerRocana, his Kentucky winner and Halunke FBW, the 11-year-old gelding, there are a host of Kiwis in the mix and Australia has two competitors, Bill Levett and Paul Tapner

Ten nations will be represented and around 50 horses are expected to start the competition – you can follow the action here with our 4* subscriber daily photo galleries and reports from the beautiful French Pyrenees

To get a feel for what is to come, you can view every fence on course in the CCI4* on Pierre Michelet’s  flat racecourse track here

