FEI confirms individual quota places for Paris 2024

Despite losing their team allocation, China will have two individual competitors at Paris 2024

View confirmed list of Nations by Team Qualification here

The list of nations eligible to compete in eventing has now been finalised as the FEI informed eligible the National Olympic Committees and National Federations of the allocation of Individual quota places on 19th February 2024.

The eligible NOCs/NFs must now confirm or decline their allocated Individual quota place for the Paris2024 Olympic Games to the FEI in writing by 18 March 2024.

The confirmed list for eventing has no changes to the initial list in January, when one amendment on January 5th included the Czech Republic. All nations are subject to the completion of the respective qualification requirements, procedures and deadlines.

The next important deadlines are 18th March, when the NOCs/NFs confirm allocated individual & composite team quota places to the FEI and 28th March when NOCs/NFs nominate their long list of potential Athletes.

Eventing Individual Quota Places Confirmed by Nation

    Olympic Ranking - Group A: Denmark (1) and Finland (1*)

    Olympic Ranking - Group B: Spain (1*) and Austria (1)

    Olympic Ranking - Group C: Lithuania (1) and Hungary (1)

    Olympic Ranking – Groups D & E: Chile (1), Argentina (1), Ecuador (2)

    Olympic Ranking - Group F:  South Africa (1) and Morocco (1)

    Olympic Ranking - Group G:  China (2)

    Three (3) highest Ranked NOCs not yet qualified: Spain (1*), Finland (1*), Czech Republic (1)

* These two nations have a total of two (2) individual quota places

Paris 2024 Eventing Minimum Eligibility Requirements

The FEI has also re-iterated the minimum eligibility requirements (MERs) for all Athletes/Horses who take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Eventing Competitions, including the ‘confirmation result’ in 2024.

Athletes must achieve the following minimum eligibility requirements (MERs) as a combination by obtaining “FEI qualifying results” at different events in the following level of Competition which take place from 1 January 2023 until (and including) 24 June 2024:

(i) One (1) qualifying result at a CCI5*-L;

or (ii) One (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-L AND 1 qualifying result in a CCI4*-S

(iii) Plus one (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-S or 4*L or 5*L to be obtained after 1 January 2024 and on or before 24 June 2024 (the “Confirmation Result”)

Combinations obtaining all of their MER results at 4* level must achieve a minimum of three (3) MERs, one of which must be obtained at a long-format event. Alternatively, combinations obtaining one MER at 5* level must achieve a minimum of two (2) MER results.

Of these MERs, all combinations must obtain at least one (1) MER result in 2024, the “confirmation result”.

With the cancellation of Tamborine CCI4* in February, the Hanson Tonimbuk Horse Trials is now the first qualification event in 2024 in Australia while the New Zealand Horse of the Year Show is the first in New Zealand, with both taking place on 9th & 10th March.

View the full list of events counting for achieving Olympic Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Paris 2024 here.