Two top eventers out for start of season

      Ingrid Klimke hopes to be back in the saddle in a few weeks after surgery


Ingrid Klimke and Piggy French are out of the saddle for a while as the eventing season starts in Europe.

Ingrid hopes to be back in the saddle in a few weeks time after undergoing surgery for an stomach problem in Germany last week. On her Facebook page she advised that the Ingrid Klimke Symposium that was scheduled for the 5th February has had to be postponed until 12th November because of the surgery to deal with ‘an acute inflammation that occurred on the intestines’

For Piggy French the outlook is for a somewhat more lengthy time without competing due to the happier reason that she is pregnant. On her Facebook page Piggy says

“I am delighted to announce that I am pregnant. I am excited to be in this position even if it is a big change of plan for a period of time. My owners have been fantastic and I would like to thank them for their understanding and continued support. My horses will temporarily be campaigned by various riders and I wish them every success. I am grateful to all of them for their help in continuing the progress and training of my horses for the time I am not riding. I look forward to returning to competitive action as soon as possible”


Some lucky riders will enjoy Piggy's young horses in 2016 including Carsten of Westoak - 3rd in the 2016 5YO Young Event Horse at Osberton