Over 5,000km separated the three Olympians - Shane Rose, Sonja Johnson and Clarke Johnstone - who took eventing wins at Quirindi, WAYER and Kihikihi on the Easter weekend
With John Nicholson as course designer and Jane Hoderness-Roddam officiating, WAYER @ Brigadoon was packed with aspiring Western Australian eventing riders, some preparing to head east
Final results from the WAYER at Brigadoon Olga Reveler Memorial, Western Australia, 1st-3rd April 2016
Belinda Isbister, the winner of the WAYER Olga Reveler Memorial CIC3*, fills us in on how the event in Western Australia shaped up for the riders lucky enough to ride the John Nicholson course at Brigadoon
John Nicholson, the famous cross country course designer and brother of the almost-as-famous-rider, has designed the course for this weekend’s WAYER CIC3* Olga Reveler Memorial at the WA State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon