Drawn Order of Nations for Pratoni 2022

Sandra Auffarth and Viamant Du Matz - Germany tops the draw of nations




The draw of nations, which took place on Tuesday evening for the 2022 FEI Eventing World Championships at Pratoni, really demonstrates how international this World Championships is but, for me, the international flavour really hits home when you visit the event’s local supermarket

On Tuesday afternoon the Carrefour supermarket at Pratoni Del Vivaro was buzzing with eventing people – riders, grooms, volunteers, some with accreditation passes swinging around their necks and others in their country’s colours (when did Canada start dressing in black? Very confusing with the Kiwis around too) - stocking up for the big week ahead

Talking of Kiwis, we bumped into Jonelle Price in the supermarket car park (not literally, although that would not be surprising as, even after one week of driving in Italy, we are still woefully incompetent) who has to be one of the favourites for this week’s Championship

New Zealand is at number 16 on the draw, which is headed by Germany at Number 1, with defending champions Great Britain at Number 22 and Australia at 23

The full list is below and will be the order in which the horses are presented this afternoon when the first horse inspection gets underway at 13:30, starting with Olympic double gold medallist Julia Krajewski for Germany

We’ll be back with an update then!

Order of Nations

  1. Germany*
  2. Ireland*
  3. Canada*
  4. France*
  5. Belgium*
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Poland
  8. Spain*
  9. The Netherlands
  10. Lithuania
  11. Switzerland*
  12. Thailand
  13. Italy*
  14. Sweden*
  15. Denmark
  16. New Zealand*
  17. Mexico
  18. Hungary
  19. India
  20. USA*
  21. Japan*
  22. Great Britain*
  23. Australia*
  24. Austria*
  25. China
  26. Ecuador
  27. Brazil*


* Indicates Countries with Teams