RIP Rock Model


      Come rain or shine, Rock Model always put his best foot forward for Vittoria


Commiserations to Vittoria Panizzon who has lost the horse who took her to her first Olympics and was a real character – Rock Model

Only a few short weeks ago Vittoria told us in our interview that her Beijing Olympic partner, Rock Model (Bug), was still very much enjoying life at Fern Farm. It was evident how fond she was of the 19 year horse with plenty of character who still liked being top horse

“This year I’ll save Rock Model for one day events and CIC’s” said Vittoria “He won’t like that – we have to keep him entertained and tell him he’s really important. He has to have stable number one and he keeps the other horses in check – if they misbehave he tells them off!”

Sadly, on 15th February Rock Model died in Vittoria’s arms. She wrote on her website

“Goodbye to a very best friend. Bug galloped straight to heaven after overtaking Pennyz and Woody as we cantered at the very top of the farm in the biggest field with the best view ever. I had the privilege of watching him for the last hour of his life as he pranced and showed off the whole way hacking with his fanciest trot and then pulled Alice's arms out to the end loving his canter in the best threesome together. He had a heart attack and died in my arms”

 Vittoria and Rock Model had been together for many years and enjoyed success in various countries including 16th at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He won twice at Belton International Horse Trials and last year came third there, one of their favourite events, in the CIC 3*

Although already missing her friend, Vittoria says “It was the most perfect way for him to go. He had a heart murmur for many years but absolutely loathed holidays and thrived on showing off to big crowds”

RIP Rock Model
