Have you ever noticed how quickly you can grasp an idea when you are shown something rather than just told it? That’s because 65% of people are Visual Learners according to the Social Science Research Network
Many people learn more easily through watching than just listening and there is a growing understanding in the field of sports science as to how video can help athletes to radically improve their performance
In short, when athletes can be shown visually where they need to improve, they learn noticeably faster. And in the sport of eventing where two athletes, one human and one equine, are involved there are distinct advantages to being able to see exactly where things went right, or wrong, on the all-important cross country course for training and safety
In recent times we’ve brought you feedback from seven-time Olympian Andrew Hoy and past Junior European Champion Bubby Upton as to how they use An Eventful Life cross country videos to improve their performance and now the British World Class Programme Eventing High Performance Coach, Chris Bartle has added his endorsement
“The videos produced by An Eventful Life of cross-country rounds are a valuable training aid for our athletes during the season” says Chris “Watching a round back enables me as a coach to really look at a combination and provide the best feedback possible to help support the rider and their team to best effect”
“I find video technology an incredibly beneficial element to support performance training and coaching”
Not everyone is lucky enough to train with Chris Bartle but everyone we film can benefit from reviewing and analysing their cross country performance on video.
Are you making the most of An Eventful Life’s cross country videos as a powerful training tool? Find out if we have filmed you here