Kevin McNab


Aussies competing at Hartpury

Monday Aug 19, 2019 19:50

Kevin McNab, Christine Bates and Thea Horsley were three of the Australian riders competing at Hartpury International - we find out how they fared


Kevin McNab nabs wins at Kilguilkey International

Monday Jul 1, 2019 12:41

Kevin McNab has started the campaign to defend his 2018 win of the Horse Sport Ireland €10,000 Eventing Challenge on a strong note


Horse Sport Ireland Eventing Challenge 2019

Saturday Feb 16, 2019 13:07

€10,000 is up for grabs again in 2019 in the Horse Sport Ireland Eventing Challenge, aimed at attracting more international riders to compete at venues in Ireland


Kevin McNab wins Horse Sport Ireland Eventing Challenge

Monday Oct 1, 2018 17:01

Australia’s Kevin McNab has earned himself a €10,000 bonus as the winner of the inaugural Horse Sport Ireland Eventing Challenge


3 Star classes at Belton International

Sunday Apr 15, 2018 5:06

We talk to William Fox-Pitt and Bill Levett in our wrap up from the 3 Star classes after dressage at Belton International
