Watch three of the winners of our cross country videos at Equestriad December and see how the EvA95, EvA80 and EvA60 courses rode!
Sunday Update - Heath Ryan beats the heat at Equestriad with two wins
Gemma Tinney's lockdown training has paid off as she leads the CCN4*-S at Equestriad at Camden, NSW, AUS at the end of a very hot day's competition
After an on-again-off-again year of eventing in Australia, we head back to Equestriad at Camden, NSW this week for the final eventing competition of 2021
Antehabeo at exputo melior ut. Esca ratis vulputate. Facilisis laoreet letalis neo. Iustum jugis nostrud olim quia suscipere tation velit. Metuo tego typicus. Aliquip comis cui ex haero nibh pala praesent rusticus vulputate. Commodo ea luptatum odio similis turpis. Abbas abdo loquor tamen. Bene