

Thoughts on the course at Tamworth

Monday Aug 6, 2012 20:12

Tamworth's course designer Tich Massey and winner of the CIC3* John Twomey give their thoughts on the new course at AELEC


Tamworth gets it's guitar ready to put on a great event

Monday Jul 30, 2012 17:01

Despite the main focus being on London let's not forget the events closer to home who are busy getting ready to run


Tamworth International Eventing would like to invite you to AELEC!

Monday Jul 16, 2012 17:53

Tamworth International Evening (TIE) is looking forward to seeing lots of riders at their inaugural event at AELEC where they are running a CIC 3*, Ev105, 95, 80cm on 4 th and 5 th August 2012.


AELEC provides the venue for Tamworth International Eventing

Tuesday Apr 24, 2012 10:52

On the 4 th – 5 th August 2012 Tamworth International Eventing will run their inaugural CIC3* at Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre. Check out for yourself the amazing facilities AELEC will provide to riders and spectators.

Tamworth CIC 2012

Sunday Mar 4, 2012 19:57

AELEC provides the venue for an exciting new event in New South Wales
