Decisions, decisions
The crowds have gone and as Murray grazes Ninja alone at Luhmuhlen he ponders the decisions to be made
Murray Lamperd
The crowds have gone and as Murray grazes Ninja alone at Luhmuhlen he ponders the decisions to be made
Luhmuhlen is over and we move forward
Murray and Ninja have a good clear cross country ride at Luhmuhlen on a 3* course that causes problems
The cross country course looks good at Luhmuhlen says Murray and they continue to work on handling big atmosphere
Murray Lamperd tells us that when Under the Clocks spots a cross country fence not far from his arena his dressage test suffers
Murray is enjoying the surroundings and facilities at Luhmuhlen although he is still finding it surreal to be there
Murray and Ninja are on the move again
Murray and Ninja head to Luhmuhlen on Sunday for their next European experience
Murray is working on his own fitness as well as Ninja's
Murray Lamperd spent some well deserved time with family after Badminton and is feeling a bit lonely now they've gone