An Eventful Life to film at Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials



An Eventful Life will be videoing competitors at Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials, not only on the full cross country courses but also during the Arena Eventing competitions on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th September

These very popular grass-arena-based competitions, held in the Bladon Arenas over a testing course of Show Jumps and Cross Country fences with an optimum time for completion, are the highlight in the calendar for many grassroots riders

As with the high quality cross country videos produced by An Eventful Life, each Arena Eventing competitor will be able to purchase their individual ride, providing the perfect souvenir of these prestigious Championships - the best way to review and share your cross country ride with friends, family, coaches and the rest of the world!

The winning team riders in each of the Team Eventer Challenges and the winning individuals in the BE Arena Eventing Championship will receive complimentary uploads of their videos as prizes donated by An Eventful Life, as will the winning CIC3* and CCI3* riders

The classes to be filmed at the 2016 Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials by An Eventful Life are;

Thursday 8th – Bladon Arena 1 & 2

The Dodson & Horrell Riding Club 100cm and 90cm Team Eventer Challenge


Friday 9th – Bladon Arena 1 & 2

The Kent & Masters British Eventing Arena Eventing Championship – BE100 & BE90

The Dodson & Horrell Pony Club 100cm and 90cm Team Eventer Challenge


Saturday 10th

CCI3* cross country


Sunday 11th

8 and 9 Year Old CIC3* cross country


View one of our videos below or, for more information, visit About our Cross Country Videos page